Innovation in Government

Posted by admin On 2017/4/28 9:00:00 (3739 reads)

GovTech Website published an article about Cincinnati and our approach to use Data Analytics: "Cincinnati Retrospective on Data-Driven Efforts Shares Methodologies, Successes"

The article was about a recent paper published by the City Manager, Mr. Harry Black: "Now, some three years on in this process, he has released a retrospective paper on the methodologies behind the efforts and just what they have meant to Cincinnati government. The paper, published April 18, is, as Black detailed, a look how the municipal government went from missing opportunities for public service to improving efficiencies and holding departments accountable."

Congratulations to Harry Black, our City Manager, and his team, for building Data Analytics into the fabric of our city!  

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Posted by admin On 2011/1/20 21:00:00 (1867 reads)

A good article in InfoWorld about a non-profit organization Code for America focused on helping city governments in using and taking advantage of Web 2.0. 

The Mission of Code for America is:

Code for America enlists the brightest minds of the web industry into public service to use their skills to solve core problems facing our communities. We help talented technologists leverage the power of the internet to make governments more open and efficient, and become civic leaders able to realize transformational change with technology.

For 2011 they selected four cities:

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