Innovation in K-12 Education, STEM Issues

Posted by admin On 2014/8/15 7:10:00 (2587 reads)

Sir Ken Robinson believes schools today stifle creativity, measure intelligence incorrectly and often times send kids off in the wrong direction because of the government's irrational focus on standardized testing.

Check out also his talk about "Creating a Culture of Innovation":

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Posted by admin On 2014/8/14 23:02:48 (2559 reads)

Lessons in computer programming will be adopted by the national curriculum for primary schools in England from September.

However, this is not a new concept for schools in Estonia who have been teaching computer programming for some time:

Check out also this articles:

Why Estonia Has Started Teaching Its First-Graders To Code

Estonia, a small country with a population of 1.3 million people, punches above its own weight when it comes to advancements in tech. It was the birthplace of Skype, one of the first countries to have a government that was fully e-enabled, and now it has launched a nationwide scheme to teach school kids from the age of seven to 19, how to write code. The idea isn’t to start churning out app developers of the future, but people who have smarter relationships with technology, computers and the Web .

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Posted by admin On 2011/10/4 23:00:00 (2390 reads)

On Oct. 1, 2011 Robotics teams sponsored by SHPE Cincinnati participated in Advanced Programming training organized by iSPACE:

It was a very educational workshop and it was beneficial for both coaches and students.

Creating the future innovators of Cincinnati, one student at a time...

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Posted by admin On 2011/1/23 14:20:00 (2233 reads)

Great news - just a day after we've posted a question about other schools following the success story of Taft High School, a group of non-profit organizations have teamed up on a campaign "Be the Change" to recruit 1,000-2,000 tutors for Cincinnati Public Schools' ten worst performing elementary schools. 

Read the article on 

Among the agencies involved:

University of Cincinnati, Xavier University, Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati, Council of Christian Communities, Beech Acres, United Way of Greater Cincinnati and Cincinnati Youth Collaborative.


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Posted by admin On 2011/1/21 21:30:00 (2263 reads)

Great article about Taft High School posted on Enquirer Website

While we celebrate this fantastic improvement and a great collaboration between the school and Cincinnati Bell, the question is:

why don't we have similar sponsorships for all schools in Cincinati? 

It is clearly a great success story, so all major companies in Cincinnati should be talking to Cincinnati Bell and the school principle about how the process works, what can they learn from it and how they can replicated it by "adopting" another school in our city. 

So who is next?

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Posted by admin On 2010/12/23 21:35:44 (1654 reads)

Another great example of kids getting passioned about science.

This time a group of 8-10 year olds conducted a research about how bumblbees see colors and patters, and they have written a report about it that was recently published by the prestigious scientific publication, the Biology Letters, a peer-reviewed journal of Britain's Royal Society.

Read more about it in this report

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