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UC celebrates Digital Futures grand opening

Posted by admin On 2022/9/23 23:50:00 (862 reads)

Digital Futures Grand Opening

From left, Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval, chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education Randy Gardner, Ohio Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, UC President Neville G. Pinto, UC Chief Innovation Officer Ryan Hays and UC Vice President for Research Patrick A. Limbach 

Awesome day for University of Cincinnati, and the Cincinnati Innovation District: the grand opening of the new, state-of-the-art UC Digital Futures building. (read more about it at UC News)

This 189k-sq-ft multidisciplinary research facility will house cutting-edge, collaborative innovation that will propel our city and our state forward, and will help to create high-paying jobs for our residents!

The collaboration between State of Ohio, City of Cincinnati, and University of Cincinnati, to make it all happen, was remarkable! We need more of this!

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