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USDOT Announces Seven “Smart Cities” Finalists

Posted by admin On 2016/3/24 12:30:00 (3168 reads)

In December 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation launched The Smart City Challenge as a follow up to the February 2015 report, Beyond Traffic. The challenge provides up to $40 million in Federal funds and another $10 million from Vulcan Inc., founded by Paul Allen, to one mid-sized U.S. city to help them address the challenges associated the growing demands on transportation infrastructure.

By early February, they received applications from 78 cities that fully embraced the spirit of the Challenge and presented DOT with unique visions, partnerships, and blueprints for making their ideas into reality.

On March 14, DOT has announced the seven winning cities:

The full announcement of the Smart Challenge City finalists.

What can we learn from them? 

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