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TEDx comes to Xavier, back to Cincy

Posted by admin On 2012/4/21 14:50:00 (3269 reads)

As EnterChange reports, Xavier University will host its first TEDx conference this Thursday, April 26th in the Cintas Center Schiff Banquet Hall.

The theme will be Innovation, Service, and Leadership.

It is free, but you must RSVP  here.

The lineup of speakers  includes:

Todd Henry, the founder and CEO of Accidental Creative, a company helping teams generate ideas.

Rashmi Assundani PhD, an Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at the Williams College of Business at Xavier.

Randy Wilhelm, the co-founder and CEO of netTrekker, which delivers digital K-12 educational content.

Andrew Gibson, the Global Brand Manager at Procter & Gamble, leading global marketing for the Old Spice brand.

Elizabeth Edwards, the founder of Metro Innovation, a catalyst for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Kate Hansian, founder of Design Impact, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Cincinnati Honors College.

Sunnie Southern, a healthcare industry professional specializing in business development and new product launches, and a registered dietician.

Sherman Bradley, the president of Green Recycling Works, a former US Air Force Sergeant, ordained minister, and vice president of City Gospel Mission.

Dan Meyer, co-founder of Nehemiah Manufacturing, which attempts to change lives in the inner city of Cincinnati through employment and coaching.

Breaks in-between speakers will feature live music and an interactive art display by a Xavier art major.

The event will be held from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.

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